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Sales Report Template

The increase in the number of deals your company manages simultaneously might indicate that your marketing campaigns are effective. However, mismanaging these deals can result in a significant loss that impacts your business financially.

As part of the sales department, you must manage customer relationships smartly. So, you can determine the status of every client and the stage they occupy from the buyer’s journey.

Based on the lead’s reaction to the offer received, you should identify the following suitable action according to the sales funnel the buyer is part of.

Every client represents a class or category with specific needs and seeks distinctive requirements. That’s why you should consider the nature of the client when determining your sales pipeline.

Every action you take reacts to the customer's beliefs or behavior. This action should drive the customer toward achieving the goals their business aims for, resulting in a conversion that benefits your business.

Learn more about the sales report templates you need to develop as a sales department manager or a team leader. Read the article until the end to download the available sales report template, which is free!

What is the Sales Report Template?

The sales report template(s) manages each deal with a customer and connects it to the overall target, which is specified to each agent and determined for the entire organization.

The template should monitor the customer's journey through the sales funnel and follow the agents’ expected actions based on the sales pipeline.

The period of interest might vary from one template to another. It could be a month, a quarter months, or even a year.

The sales report template clarifies the client's status, expected revenue, the probability of the deal closing at the current stage, and each agent's progress toward achieving their target.

What Is the Importance of a Sales Report?

There are many points that summarize the benefits of sales reports, which are as follows:

  1. Assuring the Sales Plan Efficiency

Every sales agent is responsible for implementing part of the company’s sales plan for the fiscal year.

You will know if the plan is working or useless in a period of between one month and three months.

During this period, the results achieved are compared with what was expected. Also, the nature of the clients is determined by the successful closed deals, and you can check if the clients are qualified or not.

  1. Monitoring the Sales Pipeline

By following the clients who completed the sales funnel to its end and closed the deal, you can determine the best sales pipeline that proves its quality. So, it becomes easier to forecast the customers’ next steps. Every stage is connected to a certain period; the client does not exceed success qualification in most cases.

  1. Supervising the Sales Agent Performance

The sales report template includes the activities of each event during a determined period. It also illustrates the volume of calls, the number of completed deals, the number of meetings conducted, and the sales volume achieved.

The report also mentions the activities the agent is supposed to perform, whether it’s a meeting, a call, or else.

  1. Improving the Sales Processes

Observing the activities and processes that every sale passes through makes things more transparent for the agent himself. By practicing, he determines what’s working and what’s not working.

So, the best paths are easily found, and the activities are ready for optimization. Over time, you can develop new solutions to close deals perfectly and faster.

What Are the Elements of a Sales Report Template?

The sales reports include primary elements that might be modified or added according to the need. It’s as follows:

  1. Client Status

The client status clarifies the customer’s conditions according to the sales funnel and the pipeline the agent passed through with him. You can also represent the status in terms of a percentage that tells how close the client is to completing the deal successfully.

  1. Targets

Every sales agent has distinctive targets that should be mentioned in the report so you can compare the results to what is expected. According to the achievement percentage, the agent has to interact with accountability with the target.  

  1. Forecast

The sales agent must make predictions related to every deal. The degree of the agent’s comprehension of the client’s needs and the pain points his business faces determines the forecasting activity. The agent should also anticipate the date of the deal closing.

  1. Future Activity

This element is the expected activity or the action the agent needs to take to finish the sales funnel to its end.

  1. Client data

It is preferred to mention the client's name and the job title to determine its position in the decision-making center. You should write the business name and the industry it belongs to, if available. This is in case your business offers services to other businesses.

How to Use Sales Manager Reports Template

To perfectly utilize the sales report template, it’s preferred to follow these instructions:

  1. Determine the Sales Funnel

Based on the business needs, you can design a suitable sales funnel. It’s most probably divided into five or more stages.

  1. Put Time Framed Goals

Based on the objectives you’ve determined as a sales manager or a sales leader for the year, the goals are divided among the teams, where every individual becomes responsible for achieving a specific goal.

  1. Record the Clients’ Data

You should record the clients’ data to manage their deals and update the status of every deal.

  1. Recognize the Status of Every Client

You should determine the status of each client throughout his journey to buy to continue the suspended deals in the following periods.

  1. Add the Received Amounts Accumulatively

This might not be the first deal you conduct with this client. The client has a balance that does not equal to zero in this case. Every new amount the client pays is recorded in its account in the general ledger.

  1. Highlight the Deals That Need Urgent Interaction

Some cases need your attention because you last talked with them long ago. Therefore, you determine priority based on the last interaction with the customer. If a lead has not been contacted for a week and another for four days, the first has the highest priority.

Who Benefits From the Sales Report Template?

Many parties could benefit from a sales report template, basically, the sales department is represented by its individuals: the agents, team leaders, supervisors, and the manager. Also, the board or at least a board member should review such a report to assess the sales department's efficiency.

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