Outbound Campaign Management for Better Productivity

outbound dialer

Gone are the days when agents used to dial thousands of customer contact numbers manually just to promote the upcoming product or remind customers about their renewal. The manual dialing of phone numbers is now replaced with an outbound campaign management system. Many businesses are already using it to manage campaigns and to enhance their sales, customer service, and marketing.

Implementing this campaign management is very simple and you can do it for your business too. So, let’s first understand what this campaign management tool is all about.

What is Outbound Campaign Management?

Automated managing of outbound calls made by your company to a list of clients is termed as outbound campaign management. Although it involves managing calls, it is very different from managing inbound calls.

For an outbound campaign, the demand requirements are finite and usually known in advance. Demand, here, is the number of people needed to be reached in a defined time.

Also, the script in case of outbound calls is mostly known and can be timed. So, the probability of call length varying is minimal.

Since most of the variables involved in these campaigns are already known, the campaigns can easily be automated to achieve better results and enhance the productivity of the agents involved in the process.

Why must your business implement outbound campaign management?

Outbound campaigns are made by businesses for a number of reasons irrespective of the sectors they are operating in.

Here is a list of a few primary reasons why outbound campaigns are run by businesses.

Cross-selling or up-selling your products

Making surveys to know customer satisfaction

Cold-calling the prospects and leads

Providing information about upcoming festive offers

Completing data-verification

Updating customer information like emails, addresses, etc.

Making the customer aware of any major update in your service

Increasing the RoI of your existing marketing campaign

This list can go on and on. Businesses are already using outbound campaigns for various reasons. But are they managing it right?

Outbound campaign management software helps you manage your outbound calls in order to achieve maximum results.

Auto-dialer enhances agents’ productivity: Outbound campaign management tool helps your agents get rid of long excel sheets containing customer contact numbers. Just upload your customer contacts, and the inbuilt auto-dialer places calls on the agents’ behalf.

-Take your call segregation one notch up: Priority queues help you organize your call flow by creating dedicated queues depending on service, language, and other characteristics. Your agents no longer need to juggle up among different types of calls simultaneously.

-Give your customers a personalized experience: Your agents can know your customers even before they start speaking to the customers. A pop-up automatically displays complete customer information when your agent makes the call. This helps the agent provide a personalized experience to each customer and make them feel valued.

-Manage your outbound calls based on time zone: This is useful especially for businesses that are operating in multiple geographical areas. Calling your prospects or customers at the wrong time not only adds to negative customer experience but also demotivates your agents. Outbound campaign management software helps you create separate lists for different time zones thereby increasing RoI of your outbound campaigns.

-Do not miss out on a single customer or prospect: While executing your outbound campaigns manually, there’s a possibility that your agents might miss out on customers who do not pick your calls in a single go. This possibility is completely eliminated in the case of an outbound campaign management system.

This system automatically calls those clients who didn’t pick the calls initially. This ensures that you do not miss out on even a single client.

How to set up an outbound campaign management system?

By now, you must have understood the importance of outbound campaigns and the reasons why it must be automated.

So, let’s now understand the implementation of the outbound campaign management system for your business.

You can start using an outbound campaign management system in two ways.

Integrate it with your CRM: If you are already using CRM for your business, then you can start with an outbound campaign management system in a one-step process. All you need to do is to integrate both the systems via API.

Thereafter, simply create a new campaign with contact numbers of all the clients you want to call. Integrating the outbound campaign management software with your existing CRM also helps you automate client call-backs for membership renewal, and product recommendations.

Simply upload your excel sheet: If you’re already working on an outbound campaign or planning to start one, you must be having an excel sheet containing a list of clients whom you want to contact. So, simply upload this excel sheet on outbound campaign management software.

Now, your campaign is ready. An automatic dialer will automatically dial the contact numbers on that sheet, and agents just need to take calls and speak to the clients.

Furthermore, you can set the process in which you would like the outbound campaign management software to place calls on your agents’ behalf.

→ You can let your agents see the next call on the list and let them decide if they want to make the call or skip it. This is useful while making sales calls where agents need to do some research between the two calls.

→ You may choose to automatically dial the next number in the list thereby eliminating waiting time between two calls. This increases agents’ productivity significantly.

Quick tips for a successful outbound campaign

→ Setting up a perfect system is just the beginning of executing your outbound campaign. There are several other factors that you need to take care of in order to make your outbound campaign successful

→ Create the right script depending on the purpose of your outbound campaign. In case of carrying out market research or surveys, you may keep a tight script. In the case of sales, a free-from script works better.

→ Choose the right agents. The job requires reading the scripts and capturing information, the agents need to keep attention to detail, and adherence to instructions and directions. If the business conducts outbound calls in order to make sales, the agents need to be more flexible, spontaneous, and react as per the situation demands.

→ Create the right segments depending upon the time-zones, purpose, geographical regions, business size, or any other required criteria. This helps you run an analysis on how each segment responded to the outbound calls, and make changes accordingly.

→ Track all your outbound calls. Track whether the client picked up the call or not, how long did the call last, what was the response of the prospect, was the response in sync with your goals, number of calls placed and number of calls bounced. This gives you metrics to design your next outbound campaign.

→ Record your calls if possible. It helps you analyze your agents’ performance and also gives you a better picture of your clients’ demands. Furthermore, call recordings are useful for training new agents.


 If you want to stay ahead of your competitors and reach out to all your clients successfully, design proper implementation of your outbound campaigns. Just doing outbound campaigns isn’t sufficient. You need to execute your campaigns perfectly while using minimal resources and time. Outbound call management software helps you achieve this in the easiest way possible.

outbound campaign management

So, are you ready to optimize your outbound campaigns to the fullest? Learn More about Ziwo Dialer Here