Call Detail Record (CDR)
Embrace Call Detail Records (CDR) within your call center to effectively capture and analyze call details and recordings. By optimizing agent productivity, enhance operations and empower your team with valuable insights from comprehensive records, paving the way for greater success.
Discover the unseen with CDR. Simply!
Capture comprehensive information about every call in your contact center with Call Detail Recording (CDR). Whether inbound or outbound, CDR empowers admins with a wealth of data.
Organized Reports
Experience organized CDR reports, sorted by users or phone numbers, resembling detailed itemized lists. Capture a wealth of information from your call logs, ensuring no valuable insights go unnoticed.
Playback Recordings
Easily playback recordings directly from the CDR. Choose a recording & click the icon to listen. It help companies with several benefits such as insight into how their employees are dealing with customers.
Join hundreds of companies that are willing to talk to their clients.
Cloud telephony and call center software deployed instantly