Emotion Tracker - Voice AI

For any business to succeed and thrive, the need to analyze your calls and implement strategies based on the results cannot be overlooked. Thanks to modern technologies and voice AI, knowing your customers’ and agents’ emotions is no longer a laborious task. As per certain studies, almost 86% of customers are ready and willing to pay more to get an excellent customer experience in return. Such statistics and more have resulted in skyrocketing importance of customers’ or agents’ emotion trackers.

In this article, you will learn that this new voice AI  is more than useful to increase your customer experience: what is the voice AI and Emotion Tracker by Ziwo, why do you need this feature in your call center and how does it work? 

What is the emotion tracker? 

The voice AI by Ziwo is an artificial intelligence developed in order to significantly improve your customer experience and ease your call analysis. Created a few years ago, it is a tool that analyses the frequencies of the voice of the speakers during a call. Discover scores of your customers’ emotions, the language spoken, and its gender, but also your agents’ engagement.

This AI is also useful to detect good moods (with laughter detection) in your calls and make trends in your agents’ management of the call with the speech-sharing analysis feature. We are confident this tool will help you improve your customer experience and make you know your clients better than ever.

The road to a perfect call center is just a step ahead with Ziwo as it is the first cloud-based call center solution that proposes this amazing tool based on voice frequencies. The relationship between you and your customers will never be as understandable with the voice AI by ZIWO as you will be able to forge an incredible bond with them. 

“Emotional intelligence is the ability to sense, understand, and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions as a source of human energy, information, connection, and influence.”  

-Robert K. Cooper, PhD

Why do you need this product?

As you may have understood, this tool is a game changer for the world of cloud-based call center software. It is fully automated, there is no need to go make your own trends with old-fashioned ways: surveys or having a quality control team listen to your calls as the voice AI does it automatically. The best of it is that this solution analyses 100% of your calls. Your trends will then be based on all of your calls and not only on a part of it like a lot of call analyzing tools out there.

The voice AI by Ziwo is not only a fast and automated product, but it is also impressively accurate. From our suppliers’ tests, it is more than 83% accurate which is tremendous for an artificial intelligence. With such a feature in your call center software, you will be able to train your agents in order to have continuous improvement in your customer experience.

Take the bad and good sides of your calls learn continuously from them and stand out of the lot when coming to customer support. Let the negative call feedback behind you, Ziwo guarantees an improvement of your CX with this amazing tool that revolutionizes the cloud-based call center. Keep in mind that this investment will continually improve with your calls as artificial intelligence learns with time and data.  

To give you a starting point with the feature, a basic sample of voice AI is available on your call center interface. Your call is divided into 5 emotions: anger, fear, happiness, neutrality, and sadness. This basic information on emotions gives you an idea of emotion tracking and its use. In the near future, you will be able to have much more metrics available :

  • Emotions following moments of the call :

    • Follow the flow of your call to be able to tell why your customer was in a specific emotion at a given moment. The call is divided into 4 emotions: happy, irritated, neutral, and tired. 
    • Language spoken :
      • Complete your call trends with language statistics to know your clients on the tips of your fingers to be able to aim at exactly the right customer. You’ll be able to recognize EN, ES, FR, DE, IT, and unknown.
  • Agent engagement during the call :

    • Agent engagement is a crucial metric in a working call center. Visualize the level of your agents with voice AI in order to improve their level. You will be able to have 3 scores of agent engagement: High, neutral, and low.
    • Speech sharing stats per call :
      • Speech-sharing analytics is very important to make the customer comfortable during a call. Now know your speech sharing analytics between your customer and your agent to be able to know who speaks the most!
    • Gender stats per call :
      • Trends in emotions per gender are fundamental to knowing what you need to work on with your agents. One gender may not be as satisfied as the other.   
    • Ranking of agents
      • You may want to rank your agents from the most competent to the less productive. With the voice AI by ZIWO, rank all of them based on their energy level or their customer emotion during the call. They all have a score calculated by ZIWO’s artificial intelligence. Your intellect may be confused, but your emotions will never lie to you.” -Roger Ebert


How does it work?

Like said above, the voice AI is based on an incredible voice analyzing artificial intelligence. This technology is integrated with ZIWO in the spirit of the software: a plug-and-play service, user-friendly in order to have a fast and clear view of the agents’ call score.

This AI learns from an incredible number of voice frequencies. Who says voice frequencies, say language independent? Yes, as emotions are universal, the voice AI by Ziwo is language-independent. This a very important detail that makes us stand out from our competitors working with speech-to-text technology. In fact, speech-to-text technology cannot analyze a full sentence with a single word from a different language in it as it is based on only one language at a time.

This makes our product the best of the moment in the voice AI industry. This analyzer will be able to show you the results in no time in the shape of average values of a certain campaign of calls, analysis of each call for each agent, a general score of the agent, but also general scores of your call center in your dashboard trends. When looking at your analysis per call, you can listen to your call recording while looking at the analysis at a given moment. 

Let’s say your agent had a call about a non-working product he purchased from your company. Without the need to have feedback from your agent, you can directly see on which call a customer had an irritated emotion and at which moment in the call. You can then analyze rapidly that the client was unhappy because of the product that he purchased. A faster, easier, and clearer way than post-call agent feedback. The voice AI feature in Ziwo will certainly improve your customer experience in an easier and faster way.


The voice AI’s emotion tracker by Ziwo is the ideal tool for customer experience improvement. I think emotion tracking is a crucial need for any call center that wants to improve and certainly stands out in the very competitive market

Always know what your customer is feeling: Simply. Improve customer experience via emotions.

voice AI




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