what is cali call center feature - CLI (Calling Line Identification): Definition & Benefits

Contact centers utilize multiple DID numbers that correspond to multiple queues, and agents often handle calls from multiple queues or groups of customers using CLI (Calling Line Identification). For instance, an agent trained in a specific product, service line, or language may be assigned to multiple queues related to that product, service, or language.

Incoming calls can be directed to the appropriate agent or department by assigning each queue in the contact center to a specific phone number. However, how can agents make outbound calls using an appropriate number? Here comes the role of The CLI to allow agents to appear to be calling from a local phone number, even if they are located in a different location, they can choose the number they want to call from.

Definition: Calling Line Identification (CLI)

CLI (Calling Line Identification): Definition & Benefits

CLI or (Calling Line Identification) allows agents to choose between multiple phone numbers that have been assigned to their account. This allows them to use multiple phone numbers to make and receive calls and text messages.

It is a phone system feature that displays the phone number of the person calling on the recipient’s caller ID, and it is a useful tool for contact centers and BPO companies, as it allows agents to quickly and accurately identify the caller and access their account information, enabling them to provide personalized and efficient customer service.

Also, this service allows a contact center to display the caller’s local phone number to the agent, even if the system routed the call through a remote location. This can be especially useful for international contact centers, as it allows agents to appear more local to the caller and can improve the customer experience.


Few Reasons Why CLI is Important for Call Centers


Calling Line Identification (CLI) can be a valuable tool for contact centers looking to improve the customer experience and increase efficiency. By allowing agents to quickly and accurately identify the caller and vise-versa or use local numbers to call the customers, so contact centers can provide personalized and efficient customer service, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.


There are several reasons why call centers need to use CLI feature:

-Using the CLI feature can help to increase the visibility and credibility of a business, as they suggest that the business is a part of the local community.

-Agents can improve efficiency by selecting the necessary phone number and utilizing it as soon as the call connects, saving time and streamlining the customer service process.

-Increased customer satisfaction: By providing personalized and efficient customer service, contact centers can improve the overall customer experience and build trust with their clients.

-Better call routing: CLI can assist contact centers in routing calls to the appropriate agent or department, enabling them to connect the caller with the right person to address their needs.

-CLI is more familiar and trustworthy to potential customers, as they indicate that the business is physically located in the area.

-Customers find it easier to remember the number and are more likely to save it on their phones.

-For calls placed through agents, the local call charge tariff applies, so local numbers in the CLI may be less expensive for agents to call, especially if they are incurring long-distance charges.

-Businesses can use this feature to target specific geographic areas, which can be useful for focusing their business efforts on a particular region.

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